Ways to Improve Productivity at Work
If you work in the sewing and tailoring industry, you might feel as though the atmosphere can get quite tense, and quite the opposite from the therapeutic state you slip into when you’re sewing by hand at home in your spare time.
With tight deadlines to stick to and little room for error, the pressure can start to build as you struggle to reach your quota for the day. Instead of getting in a flap and making careless mistakes, here are a few ways to make sure you keep a clear head and a clear schedule by the end of the day.
Organise your space
It’s easy to lose focus when your workspace looks like a bomb site. With excess fabric getting in the way and loose ends of thread getting tangled up in your machine, there’s no wonder you can’t keep track of your work load.
Spend the first few minutes of your day getting everything organised and in order of your schedule so you’ve got a straight-forward plan to follow throughout the day. Having a clear work space can also make you feel more relaxed, as general clutter is known to reduce stress levels.
Concentrate on the task
It’s easy to get distracted in a room full of people who may be talking about the events of the weekend or the film they went to see last night. Some people are born multi-taskers, but it’s not a gift granted to everyone. If talking and working isn’t your forte, then try to save all your chatter for designated breaks, when you can socialise properly. Distractions whilst working with machinery isn’t advised, as lack of focus can lead to needle-related accidents.
Don’t work through your breaks
Even if you’re behind on your quota and you need to catch up, working through your break can set you back more than you realise. You’re unlikely to keep a constant level of focus if you don’t allow yourself some time to breathe.
Make sure you step away from your machine and join the rest of your work colleagues at break time so that you aren’t making any errors in your work that you’ll end up having to redo.
If sewing or tailoring is a part of your business and you need to kit your team out with a range of quality machines, then Stocks have industrial sewing machines for sale in a range of brands and models. For further enquiries about our products, then contact us at 0113 242 9378, otherwise you can keep up with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages.