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Automotive Machines

Precision Engineering for Automotive Embroidery: Durable, Reliable, and Designed for Excellence

From cars and motorhomes to boats and airplanes, embroidery has long been used to add a sophisticated touch to interiors by placing logos on headrests, carpets, and other components. ZSK embroidery machines have evolved to meet the growing demands of the automotive industry, including the capability to handle thicker yarns, such as size 10, compared to the standard size 20 sewing yarn. Designed for efficiency and scalability, our machines are available in various head configurations, reducing production cycle times. For large-scale applications, we offer solutions with embroidery areas of up to 1300 x 2000 mm per head, ensuring precision and versatility for even the most demanding projects.






ZSK Vision System

With the ZSK Vision System, combining quilting, embroidery and perforation in one design becomes easy. It can be installed on our ZSK single-head embroidery machines. These machines are the only option to overcome the obstacle; every part has slightly different tolerances and is unique. Our servo-controlled CNC machines can be programmed using the EPCwin CAD system. The system can load .dxf files and create both the sewing and ZEPL files to control the camera system. Tolerances that exist due to previous processes and shrinkage during the embroidery process can be overcome using the Vision System. It checks the actual position of the perforation holes during the embroidery process and can adjust the embroidery file to compensate for tolerances, shrinkage or linear elongation. This means perfect results without further actions.

Thick Yarn Embroidery

Combining yarns from size 40 up to size 10 in one design – this is possible with our embroidery machines. To embroider thick sewing yarns, you can install the optional Automotive Setup. Moreover, we offer special tension cases with suitable and sufficient tension for thicker bobbin yarns. Using Groz-Beckert DH-type needles allows our embroidery machines to achieve a perfect stitch quality in any direction. The innovative solution of the optional Auto Select Bobbin Changer allows for automation of the production of designs combining thick and thin embroidery thread in one design. ZSK's advanced bobbin changer knows which yarn is used on which needle and will choose the right bobbin for the right needle. Besides using a thicker bobbin yarn for thicker yarns, this system allows you to match the colours of the upper and bobbin yarn or to combine a conductive upper and bobbin yarn.

Acheiving 3D Looks

Our ZSK Atelier staff has a high level of experience and supports you – whether in making the right decision for foams and backings or in creating unique designs. When the process allows lamination during the embroidery process, embroidery machines are a solution for 3D looks. The first process would involve placing the foam into the embroidery machine and stitching down certain areas of the foam.

Embellishment of Piping Cords

Are you looking for a solution to stitch on cords prior to assembly? Depending on the dimensions of the piping cords, either our Roll2Basket or our Roll2Roll system is suitable for these applications. For our embroidery machines, the material of the cords, whether artificial material, fabrics, or leather, makes no difference. The system allows fully automated embroidery on a roll of material.

Combining Thick and Thin Yarn

Designers are always on the search for new trends and capabilities. We support renowned brands with solutions that combine thin and thick thread in a single design. The thin thread can be used to create lettering, logos, and family crests, adding details to quilted sewing lines. Using our Auto Select Bobbin Changer, the machines automatically ensure they use suitable bobbin yarns for a thin and thick thread without any operator intervention. Using a 24-needle machine enables designs to combine, e.g. twelve colours of thick (sewing) yarns and twelve colours of thin (embroidery) yarns. You can equip our embroidery machines with the optional Automotive Setup for sewing yarn. The maximum stitch length is 12 mm. All ZSK machines are equipped with automatic thread trimmers and thread breakage observation.

Material Holders

The material should be placed into a material holder to avoid shrinkage during the embroidery process or design displacement. Using a standard border frame and fixture of the material on a backing is typically sufficient for one-off production. At the latest, when the requirement includes very small tolerances or precise placement of embroidery around perforated holes, a material holder becomes necessary. Material holders allow increased efficiency in the production process, as time-consuming placement of the workpiece is no longer required.

Using material holders can simplify the overall process as it enables the use of cut-to-size parts. Our ZSK Engineering offers the complete solution, including MDF board or aluminium frames.

Supporting Workflow

All of our embroidery machines are ready for networking. The T8-2 control unit is equipped with one network plug. Connecting the embroidery machines to a company network, the machine can load the designs straight from the server. Designs can be loaded via a barcode scanner. Suitable barcodes can be printed on the production sheets. Barcodes offer more than just loading designs: The scans help to control the commands of the embroidery machines.

Status lights show the machines' current status. When our ZSK’s Industry 4.0 solution, My.ZSK is used; the machines can send an e-mail in case of stoppages, i.e., due to a thread break. My.ZSK cannot only collect production data but also analyse it and provide reports. When using the My.ZSK server version, production data can be used by other systems (e.g., integration into ERP systems).

The latest technology allows further sensors (e.g., to monitor temperature, humidity, energy consumption, etc.) to be connected to the machine and included in My.ZSK reports. An additional touchscreen My.ZSK display can be attached to the control unit to either display status information or allow the operator to enter additional information. Machine operators can log in or log out by using RFID tokens to monitor their achievements.

Desired Functionality in Designs

Imagine that embroidery machines can be responsible for heated seats. Imagine embroidery machines can embroider functional buttons. Imagine that embroidery machines can stitch conductive circuits and much more. Technical embroidery technology opens new functionality in seating solutions. Automated laying and fixing heating wires is a renowned application of our laying machines. Using conductive embroidery yarns, embroidery machines can stitch flexible capacitive sensors, place electronics and LEDs or connect electronics to a circuit. For instance, we created a future dashboard where all circuits and sensors below the leather surface are embroidered. Our ZSK Functional Sequin Device has placed the LED lights.

Our machines are capable of embroidering such products onto a base material and extending the offering with suitable electronics. Our engineers in the ZSK Atelier advise you during the product development phase.

Are you interested in learning more about this field? Please contact our specialists in the Technical Embroidery Department.

Multi Colour Design

With our embroidery machines you have the choice – select 6, 9, 12, 18 or 24 colours. The advantage to you: There is no longer a need for sewing equipment and a manual change of yarns to achieve several colours. When using our ZSK RACER 1XL or RACER 2XL, each embroidery head offers the opportunity to use 24 different colours. Using our Workflow Technology, the operator can scan the yarn cones and the machine knows which colour is on which needle. By scanning designs as a barcode, operator errors are avoided.